‘Elissia is only 17. She left school in the summer and went straight onto an apprenticeship with Eaton-Evans and Morris. Elissia struggled adjusting to the working day following school hours and work load but she has shown motivation and determination and is now going from strength to strength with the fantastic support from her employers. In the last week, Elissia has experienced further responsibility being allowed to run reception and she rose to the challenge. This was a huge achievement for Elissia as despite being apprehensive she took everything step by step and did an amazing job – her employers are so pleased with her progress.’
Quote from Elissia;
‘Since starting an apprenticeship I believe I am a completely different person for the better. I have learnt how to grow my confidence, to use my own initiative and how to follow my own path. I strongly believe in being independent and having a strong mind about what you would like your own future to look like. Personally I suggest after leaving school looking into an apprenticeship as you can learn/ get a qualification whilst earning money. There is so much more to life than following what other people want you to do or what other people are doing.’